Authors E-H

A-D   E-H   I-L   M-P   Q-T   U-Z


Endrass, Jerome | Office of Correction Zurich & University of Konstanz | Switzerland

Enghofer, Sebastian | University of Regensburg | Germany

Erhard, Silvia | Catholic Foundation of Applied Sciences Munich | Germany

Ernst, André | GESIS –Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften | Germany

Espín Grau, Hannah | Ruhr-University Bochum | Germany

Fährmann, Jan | Federal Ministry of Health | Germany

Farren, Diego | University Hamburg | Germany 

Friedrich, Daphne | Bucerius Law School | Germany

Füller, Henning | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Germany

Gammon, Laura | University of Applied Sciences for Police and Public Administration North Rhine-Westphalia | Germany

Garcia-España, Elisa | University of Málaga | Spain

Gerner, Susanne | University Evangelische Hochschule Darmstadt | Germany

Gétaz, Laurent | Geneva University Hospitals & University of Geneva | Switzerland

Ghanem, Christian | Technical University of Nürnberg | Germany

Girdha, Surbhi | Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences | Indien

Goede, Laura-Romina | Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony (KFN) | Germany

Gonçalves, Leonel | Office of Correction Zurich | Switzerland

Graebsch, Christine M. | University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund | Germany

Graf, Marc | Psychiatric Hospital of the University of Basel | Switzerland

Grebing, Kira | University of Siegen | Germany

Habermann, Julia | Ruhr-University Bochum | Germany

Haider, Isabel | University Vienna | Austria

Heeren, Alexandre | Catholic University of Louvain | Belgium

Hefner, Franziska | University of Freiburg | Germany

Heil, Marie | German Police University | Germany

Heller, Patrick | Geneva University Hospitals & University of Geneva | Switzerland

Hermann, Dieter | University of Heidelberg | Germany

Hernandez Arianna | Free University of Berlin | Germany

Herr, Anne | Police Headquaters Münster | Germany

Herzog-Evans, Martine | University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne | France

Höffler, Katrin | Georg-August-University Göttingen | Germany

Hostettler, Ueli | University of Bern | Switzerland 

Humm, Jakob | Lucerne University of Education | Switzerland